20 Years of Ticket to Ride

Linley Lewis

1 month ago in News

Twenty years ago, Will and I packed our bags for South Africa, chasing a dream to create the ultimate learn-to-surf trip. And just like that, Ticket to Ride was born.

We were two young graduates, fuelled by a passion for surfing, boundless energy, and a vision to share the ride with others.

Looking back, we are incredibly proud of how Ticket to Ride has connected so many amazing people, places, and stories. The core ethos remains unchanged, and the original itinerary we created, the ten-week South Africa experience, is still our flagship trip.

A huge thanks to everyone who has been part of the journey. Whether you are reminiscing or discovering Ticket to Ride for the first time, here is a throwback to where it all began… our first-ever promo movie.”

Linley Lewis, Ticket to Ride Co-Founder