Why Sri Lanka?
Let’s be honest, Sri Lanka hasn’t had the best of times lately but it’s still one of our favourite places to run our trips. So much so that we’ve not only opened our own Ticket To Ride Surf House, we’ve also made some renovations and upgrades to it so your experience with us is like nothing else!
It’s amazing seeing this magical island come back to life and if the vibe on the ground is anything to go by, this year is going to be the year not to miss a trip to the balmy south coast of Ceylon!
So here are my top 5 reasons you should come to Sri Lanka for a Surf Trip.

As a man from Scotland and also having experienced a few winters in Cornwall, I can safely say that a 5/4 wetsuit combined with gloves, booties and a hood is not a fun time for me. Some might call me a fair weather surfer and I would 100% agree with them. Why wouldn’t you rather strip off the neoprene and go surfing in a pair of boardies? And if you’re on the same wavelength as me, Sri Lanka is definitely a must visit destination for your next surf trip.
Sri Lanka is a tropical island and very close to the equator, meaning while those in the UK, Europe and parts of America are getting into soggy, cold wetsuits, Sri Lanka is basking in 25-30C degree heat with the water sitting at a comfortable bathtub temperature of 28C.
So you tell me which you’d rather? Nothing wrong with being a fair weather surfer in my opinion!

Sri Lanka has some of the biggest variety of waves that I’ve ever encountered on a surf trip. And most of them are within a stone’s throw away from our Surf House in Ahangama!
The waves around Ahangama range from 3 mile stretches of playful beach breaks and long left hander point breaks to short, fast barreling rights. So whatever you’re feeling that morning, you can literally just wake up one morning, get barreled and then the next day decide you’re feeling more of a cruisey left point break.
And that’s not even mentioning the right hand point breaks around Arugam Bay on the East coast. They are World class!

Probably the most incredible thing I noticed after working a full season out in Sri Lanka was how consistent the waves were. We run our trips through the season of October – April and 99% of the time, the waves are glassy and uncrowded. The sizes obviously differ but the magic of Ahangama is that there’s always a spot for any size of swell that hits the island.
Imagine waking up every morning not worrying about checking the cams to see if it’s worth the paddle. It’s always worth it.

If consistent, glassy waves with a choice of pretty much any break wasn’t selling it for you. Then hopefully this will.
Back in the UK, I’m used to seeing about 100+ people in the water on a moderately good day at Fistral Beach. Personally I would put this down to lack of consistency in the UK. Whereas you’re guaranteed good waves in Sri Lanka and with so many spots to choose from, It’s relatively quiet.
I think a ‘busy’ line-up would be 16 people max! Which is insane to think about. Put me in a line-up of 16 people everyday and I’ll be happy!

This whole blog is like doing a pop shuvit varial nose grab to a nipple mctwisty backside grind and end on a cherry bakewell back flip. It’s a pretty sweet combo!
The progression you’ll see when surfing in Sri Lanka is insane and we can 100% help you with that potential progression. If you so choose to surf with us in Ahangama at our Surf House, whether you’re a total beginner having never touched a surfboard in your life or a seasoned shredder who wants to finally nail that air reverse, you’ll receive tailored surf coaching and be shown what waves suit your ability.
And if you really want, you can jump on our Instructor Courses and stay with us for 5 – 10 weeks; Surf unbelievable warm, consistent and uncrowded waves and start living the dream as a surf instructor.
See you out there!