Welcome to Cape Town Guys

Chris Bond

10 years ago in South Africa

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It is with excitement that we kick off another Ticket to Ride trip in South Africa. This is the 10-week trip from Cape Town all the way up to Durban along our wave-rich beautiful coastline, with the added option of a 3-week adventure into Mozambique after the trip.

The group arrived on Friday to an absoloute cracker of a spring day in Cape Town, with no wind and the sun shining! Our trip leaders happily met everyone at the airport as they arrived at different times during the day. After a great opening night braai (barbecue South African style) where everyone got to know each other and trip leader Luke put on an impressive display on the grid (braai grid), everyone got some rest leading up to their first surf lesson in the morning. 
group lesson
The first lesson is the same for everyone regardless of their ability, and is a total beginner lesson. Most of the group are doing their ISA instructor course at the end of the trip where they will learn the ins and outs of beginner surf coaching and have to be able to deliver a beginner lesson so they were listening carefully!
surf coach
The level of surfing in the group was varied and a lot of them had to re-learn their pop-up to ensure maximum improvement and success on the trip, but with great waves at Muizenberg it did make their plight a little easier and they did really well.

We will be posting regular blogs as well as sharing on our Facebook, Twitter and Instagram so keep if you want to live vicariously through us or are thinking of coming on a trip then give us a follow and see what we are up to.


Great start to another epic trip along South Africa’s coastline, fun waves and a happy group
Cape Town welcomes the group with sun and waves
What a great start to the trip, with spring in Cape Town giving us sunshine as well as light wind and good waves to kick off the next 10 week adventure up the coast of South Africa.