The Most Amazing Whale Shark Experience Ever (and Peppermint Tarts)

Chris Bond

13 years ago in News

Whale shark diving, wow, what an experience. The last time I did it last April it was probably me most amazing day of the trip, and this time certainly did not disappoint. We were just so so lucky! The biggest problem perhaps is that words simply can not describe the experience. We were barely even speaking on the boat on the way back. 

So we set out in search of these massive creatures with two guides looking for their shadow and the skipper. The guys were very professional and found one early on. We had a great swim following it and already I was happy and not even necessarily expecting to see another one. Then we struck gold. It was a 7-8m female who was feeding right on the surface. We got to swim with her, under her and around her for easily 40 minutes and eventually we decided we had had our fill and would head back while she kept doing her thing. Usually they are moving and when people swim around them they often just swim down to the deeper water but this one was enjoying the sun on her back and was right on the surface. It regularly came to the boat which is when you really see it size. As I said words can not really describe, but it was incredible! 

Oh yes, a close second to the whale shark diving was the peppermint tart at turtle cove, if you ever go there you have one! Or maybe you shouldn't as they are seriously addictive!

Our last few days in Tofo were awesome with the whale shark diving, some epic surfs ('best in my life' type of stuff for the group) and great times with our new friends in Tofo. 

Hope you enjoy the photos.
