Coffee Bay by Ashton Squires

Chris Bond

12 years ago in News

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Arriving in coffee bay we all knew it would be a special stop on the trip.  Having heard rumours of how amazing the coffee shack and the warm waters were we couldn't wait to get there and boy, we were not disappointed!


Dinner on the night of arrival the group was introduced to a very important new member of the group, Xhosa bread! Made by the locals this culinary treasure is baked over a wood fire and causes major food envy for the lucky fish that scores the last slice. By the end of our stay  the group seemed to be inhaling it at an alarming rate!


A few members of the trip had attempted to brave the 'no wetsuit surf' before but had rarely succeed seeing as though your nipples would freeze off after a few minutes. But with the water being around 21 degrees being in board shorts and rash vests was phenomenal! The surf here was perfect for all levels, with a peeling right hand point break for a longer ride and a beach break offering punchy left and rights. To get to the break you take a a short walk over the headland to arrive at the top of the of a hill over looking the  beach. Standing here with your friends looking out at the turquoise  blue sea and seeing whales swim past the line out you really realise why you came all the way to Africa to surf. 


The coffee shack offers many activities to do for when the surf isn't pumping. Including day trips to the hole in the wall where the waves get channeled through the hole and if you get your timing right you can jump in and get pushed all the way through the hole. However on the day we went the waves were a tad too large so the guides wouldn't let us do it.  


Many of the group took advantage of the opportunity to go spent a night with a Xhosa family. Everyone really enjoyed it a found it quite an experience sleeping in a mud hut. And yes, there was plenty of Xhosa bread! From the girls going horse back riding to Rob and I going fishing there was never a boring moment at coffee bay.


Heading up to Durban now the instructor course is set firmly in our sights. With the timed swim quickly approaching there has also been a focus on training which has been quite tough but will all be worth it when we can call ourselves surf instructors!


Oh, and Klee caught a goat…