Coffee Bay, that sounds like some chilled jungly bay, sunny, good waves, good coffee obviously and long nights around the camp fire – like somewhere around the corner in Cuba. Well that’s somehow how it feels
We stayed in the
Coffee shack backpackers. The hostel is built on two sides of a river mouth, which means you have to cross the river all the time if you want to go surfing or if you just fancy a coffee on the other side.
It’s pretty funny really the nature surrounding this place is refreshingly unique and so is its engagement in the local community and its responsible tourism.
Sustainable Coffee bay is the NGO Coffee shack works closely with
Sustainable Coffee Bay was organised by Coffee shack staff in the first years. Once it grew bigger the NGO was formed. They run a big variety of projects, most of them education orientated, like schools but also including the creation of employment opportunities or just simply cooperating with local businesses like Nancy’s Laundry where all the hostels washing is done. Another way to support the local tourism is to do some touristy things.
The hike to the famous
Hole in the Wall was quite a way up and down along the wild coasts cliffs all the way in the boiling sun. Although, the small hidden path was absolutely stunning.
Once arrived we all went for a refreshing swim. Some even climbed the wall and jumped in the waves crashing through the tiny hole in the rocks.
During the two weeks in Coffee Bay, our
Ticket to Ride trip leaders pushed us really hard in the beach fitness training and also in several surf lessons! That was crucial because after Coffee Bay our way up the coast leads us to Durban where we will have our surf and beach lifeguard course and Exams.
But more about that in my next post! Follow me personally
Thanks for reading and have a nice week ahead- Jonas

Your office is where you set it up!