Riding High

Chris Bond

15 years ago in News

Hello all,

Just a quick one this time.

Our week has been filled as per usual with plenty of Yoga and Spanish lessons as well as a whole bunch of waves.

Linia (our Yoga teacher) is delighted at how well everyone has come on with their Yoga. She has been varying her lessons incorporating a mixture of balancing poses, stretching poses and meditation to give a rounded structure. On the same hand, Pia (our Spanish teacher) was also telling me how impressed she has been with everyones progression! It has become apparent in everyday life as well, and its great to see the group using their newly found language skills more and more.

During the surf lesson the other day, George and myself decided to give a safety brief. As everyone has become more competent in the water we thought it wise to let the group know how they could help out in an emergency situation. Coupled with another tag team race we had a great time down on the beach!

We are now sadly drawing into the last few days of the trip, so BUSY is the key word to remember here folks! We have got a great few days planned so check back after the weekend!! 

All the best
