Sad Goodbyes in Durban but What a Trip

Luke Geldenhuys

9 years ago in South Africa

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The worst part about Durban is that it also marks the end of our journey together. I have been privileged to have met, surfed and traveled with these lovely human beings for 10 weeks and saying goodbye makes you realize how greatly surfing as a brother/sisterhood is. All of us from different parts of the globe with different religions, views, backgrounds and ages all coming together and brought together by surfing. They say that surfing introduces you to yourself and I think this experience for all involved helped us discover new things about ourselves and our capabilities. It wasn’t always easy and we all grew together and taught each other things and it marks a special time in my life as I’m sure it does theirs. It’s been an honour to be part of this with them and I wish them all the best in their future endeavors. Hopefully they stick to surfing and our paths cross again. For now though a few of us head up to Mozambique for a bit of a holiday, Ticket To Ride style.


Thanks all for an amazing trip,
Luke Geldenhuys and the Ticket to Ride team

We truly had an amazing trip, here is a collection of our favourite group pics as all is now done and dusted.
What an epic trip
Getting to meet so many new people on the trip of a lifetime is life-changing for all involved.