I don’t want to know how many hours a day I spend scrolling through Instagram. Is it a bad thing? Possibly so, but i’m not here to debate that. In an age where we’re constantly inundated with photos, it’s easy to get lost. I know my mind wanders, time becomes somewhat irrelevant as I scroll through rad shots, transcending to a blissful location simply through this medium of art. It’s powerful. Almost living vicariously through the photography of others, it often triggers the feelings of “I want to be there right now.”
But for me, it’s more than this. As a keen photographer, I have an endless feed of creative inspiration right at my fingertips. Angles, composition, locations, ideas, you name it. You can say it’s a waste of time, however for me, it’s a full fat dose of inspiration…bar the occasional babe shot and kook slams, but let’s face it, we all need some eye candy and laughs in our life.
Picasso insisted that “talent copies, genius steals”. I’m no copycat, and certainly not out to steal artwork, but there’s no denying that a lot of my creative ideas are spawned from learning through the inspiration of others. This is why I’ve started this blog called Through the Lens, as a tribute to a few creatives that unknowingly push my own work to new levels. From landscape to water photography, this monthly blog will be a stream of dreamy shots from talented snappers and adventurers worldwide.
As I’m sure you can understand, I’ve got many who inspire me all over the world. Through focusing on locations that I have been fortunate to shoot in myself, I’ve managed to narrow it down. First up, the talented button pressers who’ve captured the tropical surfing paradise of Siargao Island in the Philippines.

@mattpowerphoto with a stunning morning light on one of Siargao’s outer reefs.

@fracach with an epic perspective under Cloud 9
If you like what you see, give these guys a follow. Keep your eye looking Through the lens for next months install.