Skiers and snowboarders, male or female, are pretty interesting human beings. Here’s why they are awesome people to hang out with and why skiers and snowboarders make the best mates!
A Zest For Life
Skiers and snowboarders aren’t your average “Joe Blogs”. They’re are not content with 9-5s in the city, going out to Oceana on a Saturday night or a carvery at the White Horse on a Sunday. They want more from life. They want to see the world and everything it has to offer. This makes them highly motivated to experience different cultures, albeit mainly snowy ones. Winter sports lovers have this innate urge to be surrounded by the mountains and immersed in the snow, and they will do everything in their path to achieve this. They love the outdoors and have a huge sense of adventure. So in knowing or dating a skier or snowboarder, you know that they will do everything in their path possible to lead an exciting existence and take you along for the ride! Life will never be boring.

Not just talking about being “fit” (ie. not bad on the eye), but decent skiers and snowboarders need to be in pretty good shape too! Aside from a casual dose of partying, skiing and snowboarding is a very healthy lifestyle. Breathing in the fresh mountain air, doing hours of exercise each day out in the sunshine and loving their natural surroundings leads to a stress-free mind and strong body. They take care of their bodies as they NEED them to perform. Having a good mental state and a chilled outlook on life means a long-time skier or snowboarder is a solid decision of mate/ date to spend time with. Plus, they are totally fit.

Great smile: check. Glowing tanned skin: check. Strong legs and bum from riding: check
Conversations will never go stale. Skiers and snowboarders are technically minded, they know which angle their edges needs to be at, the position of their head and shoulders and the amount of speed required to perform a 540-degree spin off a huge jump. They are not stupid. They know a lot about weather conditions, quality of the snow and mountain geography. They have A LOT to talk about. Get one started on anything related to snow conditions, new gear, the latest pro’s edit and you can sit back and listen for a good few hours! Ask them about that time they managed to ride out of an avalanche… down a steep gully… in a storm… with a broken binding… and coming head to head with a bear half way down. From my experience, most skiers and snowboarders have excellent banter. Someone that can make you laugh is surely a keeper.

Skiers and snowboarders are tough! If you choose one as a mate or date you know you will not get a wet-blanket that is scared to try something new! They are risk takers, living life on the edge and exciting people to hang out with. They are used to bad falls, bad weather, injuries, pain, frustration, foot cramp. Basically, they are hard as nails. Some of the situations you have to face on a mountain are pretty terrifying (being stuck on a chairlift in gale force winds, with a bunch of children, only wearing your sunglasses, and in fancy dress as a beaver). Skiers and snowboarders make the best mates. They will look after you and always have your back.

I have always thought it takes a certain type of person to be a great skier or snowboarder. The learning process is difficult and it takes commitment (and a high pain threshold) to see it through. These personality traits are transferable to a relationship. A skier or snowboarder will stick around through the tough times and be fighters, no commitment issues here. They aren’t shy of teamwork either, in the park, off-piste, in the backcountry, snowboarders will encourage one another. So they will a wonderfully supportive mate/ date.

Not in the knee high boots short mini skirt kind of way. Skiers and snowboarders are easily pleased, low maintenance, cheap dates kinda people. They will be totally happy with a pizza and beer in a park rather than a swanky restaurant where you have to wear a tie and eat with cutlery. They are so used to scrimping and saving in order to ride, that they don’t need much at all to make them happy. They have learnt to live on nothing, eat soup and baguettes for a season and survive in rubbish living conditions (6x people in 2 bunk beds). Travelling and doing seasons make them very open-minded and adaptable, never taking life too seriously. They will be more interested in a good chat and a good time than in material goods, so don’t bother with that expensive present. Money isn’t important, snow is.

Riders are very complimentary of one another. If your mate lands a good trick, the stoke and the high-fives are epic. I would like to think this applies to relationships too. If you come downstairs in a new outfit, some fist pumps and whoops for looking good would be on the agenda for sure. Or doing well at your new job, passing an exam, doing the food shopping, everything would be congratulated and appreciated. Having a skier or snowboarder as a mate is great for the self-esteem.

Want to bag yourself a snow hottie? Head out to the mountains now! Take an open mind and a beer in your hand, and see for yourself why skiers and snowboarders make the best mates and are AWESOME people to hang out with!