Well its been a long couple of days for the group and now everyone (bar Dave) has finally arrived into Santa Teresa.
On Tuesday i left the comfort of Santa Teresa where i have been for a week preparing for the group and boarded the local bus for San Jose to meet everyone. The journey was certainly an eye opener after 8 hours of impressive thunder and lightning storms and bad roads causing the bus to crawl through the pot holes at snails pace. I finally arrived into San Jose airport to meet the first of the arrivals. Claire Coombes was first to meet me with a huge grin and clear excitement in her eyes as she navigated her surf board through the crowns of waiting people.
Not long after Peace, Hamish, Hannah, Rachel, Phil, Harry, Noelita and Brendan appeared with tales of delays and confiscated cans of hair spray and bug repellent but supporting big smiles none the less and excitement of their new destination written on their faces.
I took everyone to the hotel to settle in for the night as i headed back to the airport to pick up Ed who had been delayed in Huston. Claire and Manni who had previously arrived into San Jose met us at the hotel.
So with our group "almost" complete everyone got a good night sleep and was up early the next day for our journey towards our destination for the next 6 weeks.
After another long treck by a very sweaty mini bus, ferry and another mini bus the group finally arrived into the comfort of Funky Monkeys Lodge in Santa Teresa greated by blazing sun shine. Everyone was straight into the pool and to the bar for cold drinks and a quick and easy adjustment into life in this pocket of paradise.
George came round and met the group and after an introductory talk i was excited to show the group the beach. So with cameras in hand we set off for dinner walking along the beach heading for Roca Mar a beautiful beach side restaurant surrounded by hammocks and the sound of the breaking waves in the back ground as everyone tucked into the local dish Casado which consists of fish, rice and beans…delicious!
Today is the groups first full day and a chance for them to acclimatise to their new surrounds. I think it may involve a lot of lying round the pool getting used to the heat. So there we have it folks a quick introduction so far, everyone is very happy and prepared for the next 6 weeks of adventure.
I will also be giving the group their new mode of transport later…all new and sparkly cruiser beach bikes, very exciting! Tomorrow will be our first busy day, as we have our first surf lesson with George, then a yoga class on the beach while myself and George prepare a welcome fresh fish BBQ on the beach.
Dave will be joining us later today, i think he deserves to be greeted with a very cold drink for his long drawn out journey as he has flown from one side of the states to the other before getting here. I know he will be happy with his new home when he arrives and every bit of day to day stress will be left behind, as now we are all in Santa Teresa and stress is not part of the life style here.
So i will leave you now as i go and join the group for breakfast. I will send you all an update after the weekend with tales of surfing and sunshine.
Pura Vida – as the Costa Rican say.