Fallen in Love with Costa Rica

Chris Bond

13 years ago in Costa Rica

2012 Costa Rica 019.JPG
2012 Costa Rica 032.JPG
Hi Folks

Been in Costa Rica now for just over a week and i've only gone and fallen in love all over again. I now have 4 loves in my life.

My Children
My Woman
My Job

And now Costa Rica.

It didnt take long for her to woe me, be it the friendly nature of the "Ticas" or the vast depth of wildlife, the beautiful beaches and probably most of all the surf. Its the complete opposite of the U.K in many ways.
 Waters warm for a start, its consistent and above all its relatively uncrowded. At least it is when I get up at 5;30 every morning. To see the sun creep over the tops of the palm trees, the morning mist on the water and the slightest offshore breeze creating the most glassiest conditions I have probably ever surfed in. And the best thing of all is I have it all to myself. At least for another 30 mins or so. Yes Costa Rica is a truly beautiful place.

But lets not forget I am here to work aswell as play  and in our time here we have  been sorting out things awaiting the arrival of our guests who are flying into San Jose on the 24th and  we are very excited to share this tropical paradise with them.

Not long now guys!!!! And soon the distant memory of the U.K will melt away as you sink into the tropical charm of Costa Rica

Let the good times roll.

"Pura Vida"