Surf the Longest Waves of Your Life

David Solomon

10 months ago in Indonesia

There’s no shame in wanting really, really long waves breaking mechanically, we are all selfish in our surfing pursuits.

The fact is your surfing really goes up a gear when you have time to think about what you are doing on a wave. Throw in an easy take off in the same spot every time and you’re going to see vast improvement on every leg achingly long wave you ride. 

Amongst Bali’s notoriously powerful waves, lies a hidden gem that we’ve been scoring for over a decade. There is no lethal coral trying to stab your foot, no rip currents destroying your shoulders and most importantly a serious lack of professional surfers hogging the lineup; Just 400m-long waves, perfect for lower end intermediate to advanced surfers.

This is Bali, but not how you know it. Skip the tourist trap and join me for a once in a lifetime road trip up the West Coast to score the longest waves of your life…

A taster of what to expect

Join us in Bali this Summer.